Our Green Mountain Soccer program has been invited to attend the University of Denver Men’s Soccer home opener against Yale on Saturday, September 14th at 7pm. We have been offered discounted $10 tickets for the game, and our Rams Soccer boosters are going to cover half of the ticket price for our players. We want the whole program to be a part of this field trip, so families and other supporters are invited as well.
This is a great opportunity to support our perennial NCAA division one top 25 team in our backyard. Watching professional soccer on TV is great, but DU is one level above our high school competitions. The pace, the build up, the defending and the strategy is far more relevant to us than watching Messi do magic tricks on the ball. DU Soccer is very high quality execution of tactics that are similar to ours. Let’s learn how to do it at the next level together.
Here’s how the ticketing process will work: There is no order form, and we are not collecting email or text RSVPs. Each player who wants to join us on September 14th should bring Coach Matt $5 cash this coming week. The players can also bring $10 cash for each family member or other supporter who will join us (that is a $7.50 discount versus buying individual tickets). When we have the tickets, they will be distributed to the players who gave us cash. Let’s come out in big numbers to represent Ram Nation!
A Good Start Defending the Mountain
The Rams held 5A 2023 playoff team, Denver South, scoreless for 86 minutes Thursday before lightning cut the JV game short (0-0 in the 27th minute, tentatively rescheduled to Tuesday, September 3rd), and we finally conceded the only goal scored on the evening entering the second half of the second half of the varsity game. The low and mid block looked good, sliding, raising and dropping together, and we showed our speed on the counter attack against a very good Ravens program. There was a clear disparity in balls won out of the air, and effectiveness on corner kicks and other free kicks, in favor of Denver South. We worked hard to close that gap in training on Friday, and we are ready for our four matches (2 JV, 2 varsity) this coming week. Please look for new gameday rosters on Monday ahead of our home opener on Tuesday hosting Ponderosa. Click here for a link to the updated schedules.
Let’s defend the mountain, Rams!