In order to participate, all players are required to be ontime to all team events (matches, training sessions and other team activities). To be ontime, players need to be both present at the event, and ready to participate with the appropriate gear on (example: shin guards in socks and cleats tied). Players will have a 15 minute grace period (they will still be allowed to participate if they are present and ready up to 15 minutes late). Exceptions can be made for academic conflicts (as school definitely comes first) as long as conflicts are communicated and arrangements are made at least a day in advance. Offenses will result in game suspension, and eventually, dismissal from the team.
Playing Time
Game playing time is determined by these criteria, in this specific order:
- 1. Academics: Players with a failing grade in any of their classes will not play in games.
- 2. Participation: Players who miss training sessions, or other team events, will lose game playing time to players who participate consistently. This is not a punishment for players who miss. Rather, it is a reward for players who participate consistently. The reason for missing is a negligible factor.
- 3. Attitude: Players who are coachable, and demonstrate a good attitude consistently, will be favored for playing time over players who lack those attributes.
- 4. Skill: Soccer skill is the last criteria considered after the previous three.
All players will show appropriate respect to other players, officials, coaches, parents, fans, and all other people at our events (matches, training sessions and other team activities). All players will show appropriate respect to teachers, administrators and all school staff, as well as fellow students. When in public, our players will not use foul language. Our players will never use racial slurs, and will always work proactively to end racism. Players who choose to participate in social media (or in other ways online) will engage appropriately. They will not post, share, like, comment on or in any way endorse or distribute anything that could reasonable be construed as racist, sexist, homophobic or in any way discriminatory. Players will not disparage based on gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic, trait or life choice. Players will act in accordance with the Jeffco Public Schools athletics handbook. If a player violates this policy, they will be suspended from play, for partial or full matches, at the discretion of the coaching staff. The consequence for disrespect can result in expulsion from the team.
Parents and other fans will show respect for players, officials, coaches, other fans, and all other people at our events. Parents and other fans will not challenge the calls of officials. Parents and other fans who violate this policy are subject to ejection from events, and being banned from future events.
In an effort to teach our players accountability, players are required to have shin guards, their assigned soccer balls (in season), cleats and water at all team events (matches, training sessions and other activities) unless specifically told by the coaching staff that they don’t need such items. They are also responsible for having the correct uniform items at all matches. Players who do not come prepared will have the consequence of extra running during, or after, training sessions. Repeated offenses could result in game suspension or expulsion from the team.
Players represent our Green Mountain Soccer program, and are expected to behave in a respectable manner. This includes before and after matches, at our home fields and at away venues, at other school activities and sporting events, on social media and other places on the internet, in the parking lots coming and going from activities, on any school-sponsored busses, in school, and at any other times as long as they are a part of our Green Mountain Soccer program. Players who do not represent Green Mountain Soccer in a respectful, positive, polite or legal manner will be subject to extra running, suspension or expulsion at the discretion of the coaching staff.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Players face school and soccer suspension or expulsion, per CHSAA, Jeffco Public Schools, and Green Mountain High School policies, for the use of alcohol or other drugs.
All Other Policies
All members of the Green Mountain Soccer program are subject to all federal, state, and local laws, as well as all CHSAA, Jeffco Public Schools, and Green Mountain High School policies. Violation of any of the above referenced laws and policies could result in game suspension or expulsion from the Green Mountain Soccer program.